Coreopsis grandilfora 'Goldfink'
Carissa macrocarpa 'Prostrata'
Verbena peruviana 'Homestead Purple'
Salvia spathacea
Native Plant
Hemerocallis hybrids
Hypericum 'Hidcote'
Heuchera maxima
Native Plant
Juniperus procumbens
Hemerocallis 'Joan Senior'
Geranium 'Johnson's Blue'
Hemerocallis 'Judith'
Centranthus ruber
Senecio mandraliscae
Hemerocallis 'Lady Elizabeth'
Hemerocallis 'Lady Lucille'
Alchemilla mollis
Stachys byzantina 'Silver Carpet'
Santolina chamaecyparissus
Lantana montevidensis Lavender Swirl TM
Hemerocallis 'Lee Bea Orange Crush'
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Search Criteria:  Plant Type: Ground Covers | Sun: Any | Height: 1 to 3 Feet | Flower Color: Any