Botanical Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Add
Common Name: Tropical Hibiscus, Rose of China  
Plant photo of: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
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  • Anatomy

  • Culture

  • Design

Plant Type

Shrub, Vine


Height Range

3-6', 6-12'


Flower Color

Gold, Orange, Pink, Red, Yellow, White


Flower Season

Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, Intermittent


Leaf Color

Green, Dark Green


Bark Color



Fruit Color



Fruit Season



Full, Half





Growth Rate



Soil Type

Sandy, Loam


Soil Condition

Rich, Well-drained


Soil pH

Acid, Neutral


Adverse Factors


Design Styles



Accenting Features

Espalier, Showy Flowers, Silhouette, Specimen, Standard


Seasonal Interest

Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall


Location Uses

Background, Foundation, Swimming Pool


Special Uses

Container, Cut Flowers, Filler, Screen


Attracts Wildlife


Information by: Jerry Sortomme Editor
Photographer: West/Mullany/Thompson
  • Description

  • Notes

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is an evergreen shrub. It is one of the most flamboyant flowering shrubs. It can reach 30 ft. tall in Hawaii. Individual flowers only last one day, but the plant blooms continuously.
Planting: 1. Dig a hole 1" less the depth and 2 times the width of the container. 2. Fill hole with water, let soak. 3. Set root ball in hole. 4. Fill hole halfway with native soil and water. 5. Finish back filling hole, build basin and water.