Botanical Name: Pinus ponderosa Add
Common Name: Ponderosa Pine  
Plant photo of: Pinus ponderosa
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California Native Plant
  • Anatomy

  • Culture

  • Design

Plant Type

Tree, Conifer


Height Range

40-60', 60-100', 100' and up


Flower Color



Flower Season



Leaf Color

Green, Dark Green, Yellow Green


Bark Color

Brown, Red


Fruit Color



Fruit Season



Full, Half





Growth Rate



Soil Type

Sandy, Clay, Loam, Rocky, Unparticular


Soil Condition

Average, Poor, Well-drained, Dry


Soil pH

Acid, Neutral


Adverse Factors


Design Styles

Formal, Japanese, Ranch, Seascape, Wild Garden, Woodland


Accenting Features

Specimen, Unusual Shape


Seasonal Interest



Location Uses

Background, Lawn, Park, Roadside


Special Uses

Erosion Control, Screen, Mass Planting, Wind Break, Shade Tree


Attracts Wildlife


Information by: Bonnie Rose
Photographer: Betsy Thompson
  • Description

  • Notes

Defining this tree are bundles of dark, yellow green needles, which form tufts near the end of the branches. Its cones are ovular, and the bark of the young tree is a dark brown or black color. The shade of the bark changes as the tree matures, and becomes a reddish orange color with irregular scaly plates. This variety is known to grow 300 to 600 years. Pines are highly combustible plants.
Planting: 1. Dig a hole 1" less the depth and 2 times the width of the container. 2. Fill hole with water, let soak. 3. Set root ball in hole. 4. Fill hole halfway with native soil and water. 5. Finish back filling hole, build basin and water.