Concrete Walkway
Blue Fescue
Kangaroo Paws, Red
Spiny Rush
Blue Fescue

Common name:Blue Fescue
Botanical name:Festuca glauca

This ground cover/grass will grow less than 1' tall and has small, blue green leaves.

Kangaroo Paws, Red

Common name:Kangaroo Paws, Red
Botanical name:Anigozanthos hybrids

This tender perennial is a clump-forming evergreen that produces fuzzy, yellow green flowers that bloom in spring and last for over 2 months. Many sizes and varieties are available including yellow and pink flowers.

Spiny Rush

Common name:Spiny Rush
Botanical name:Juncus acutus

This native Rush grows naturally in moist alkaline soils especially in coastal salt marshes. As one of the larger native Rushes, growing to 3'-4' tall and 3'-4' wide, it can provide interest through form and structure in a natural garden setting. It is carefree-looking. The tips of the leaves are sharp so care should be taken when designing the landscape not to place this species close to walkways, etc. Tall grasses are highly combustible.

The Magic of Mulch

In the natural world the endless cycle of birth, growth, decay, death and rebirth flows throughout the seasons. Plants die, leaves fall and new growth springs up in its place. Nothing is lost and the fallen leaves and dead plants decay into the soil, enriching it for the next generation of growth.

Click in the green box for more information

Designer: Anon

Concrete Walkway

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Physical weed control, including mulching, or hand removal protects the watershed from harmful chemicals.

Integrated Pest Management:

Remove irrigation water and fertilizer from areas where you don't want weeds to grow.